Victor Khaemba is a meticulous and detail-oriented professional with a diverse background in transcription services and a burgeoning passion for cybersecurity. Currently transitioning into the realm of cybersecurity as a penetration tester, Victor brings a unique blend of analytical prowess and keen attention to detail to his work.

With ongoing studies towards becoming an Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP), Victor is dedicated to enhancing his skills in cybersecurity. His certifications, including the Practical Network Penetration Tester (PNPT) and the Google Cybersecurity Professional Certificate (GCPC), underscore his commitment to mastering the field.

Victor holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a specialization in Banking & Finance from Mount Kenya University. His academic journey included a thesis focused on cybercrime, demonstrating his early interest in the intersection of technology and security.

In his professional experience, Victor has honed his analytical skills while working as a Quality Analyst at AlphaSights Limited. Transitioning into the cybersecurity domain, he has leveraged his expertise in accurate transcriptions to identify security vulnerabilities effectively.

As a former Team Lead and Quality Analyst at Step Wise, Victor developed strong leadership and analytical skills, which are now transferable to his role in penetration testing. His ability to manage teams and oversee quality control processes has equipped him with valuable insights into identifying and addressing security risks.

Victor’s skill set encompasses a wide range of cybersecurity tools and techniques, including authentication, intrusion detection, network security, threat analysis, and vulnerability assessment. Proficient in Python and SQL, he is adept at leveraging programming languages to enhance security measures.

Outside of his professional endeavors, Victor is an active participant on, where he ranks in the top 6% and engages in hands-on cybersecurity training and challenges. Specializing in penetration testing, he continuously seeks to expand his knowledge and skills in the field.

With his dedication to continuous learning, strong analytical abilities, and passion for cybersecurity, Victor Khaemba is poised to make significant contributions to the field as a penetration tester.